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Current level | subarachnoid groove |
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FMA:62955 | |
FMA:61775 | |
FMA:67112 | |
FMA:5897 | |
FMA:84926 | |
FMA:84953 | |
FMA:84881 | |
FMA:75759 |
subarachnoid groove
Taxonomic list |
FMAID | TA | UID | Pair |
Short English equivalent
Short official Latin term
75759 | 13534 |
subarachnoid groove
sulcus subarachnoideus
327491 | 5975 | part |
cerebral groove
sulcus cerebri
13176 | part |
interlobar groove
sulcus interlobaris
5983 | part |
superolateral interlobar groove
sulcus interlobaris superolateralis
83752 | 5984 | part |
central groove of cerebral hemisphere
sulcus centralis hemispherii cerebri
77801 | 5985 | part |
lateral groove of cerebral hemisphere
sulcus lateralis hemispherii cerebri
83761 | 5986 | part |
posterior branch of lateral groove of cerebral hemisphere
ramus posterior sulci lateralis hemispherii cerebri
83759 | 5987 | part |
ascending branch of lateral groove of cerebral hemisphere
ramus ascendens sulci lateralis hemispherii cerebri
83760 | 5988 | part |
anterior branch of lateral groove of cerebral hemisphere
ramus anterior sulci lateralis hemispherii cerebri
83754 | 5989 | part |
parietooccipital groove of cerebral hemisphere
sulcus parietooccipitalis hemispherii cerebri
9115 | part |
inferomedial interlobar groove
sulcus interlobaris inferomedialis
83743 | 6038 | part |
groove of corpus callosum
sulcus corporis callosi
83748 | 6039 | part |
cingulate groove ; sulcus of girdle
sulcus cingularis ; sulcus cinguli
83773 | 6040 | part |
marginal branch ; marginal groove
ramus marginalis ; sulcus marginalis
83777 | 6041 | part |
subparietal groove
sulcus subparietalis
83751 | 6042 | part |
collateral groove ; medial occipitotemporal groove
sulcus collateralis ; sulcus occipitotemporalis medialis
11592 |
groove of frontal lobe
sulcus lobi frontalis
83758 | 8780↓ | part |
diagonal groove
sulcus diagonalis
8659↓ | part |
frontomarginal groove of frontal lobe
sulcus frontomarginalis lobi frontalis
83755 | 6003 | part |
superior frontal groove
sulcus frontalis superior
83757 | 5998 | part |
inferior frontal groove
sulcus frontalis inferior
83800 | 6001 | part |
precentral groove
sulcus precentralis
83765 | 8667↓ | part |
anterior subcentral groove
sulcus subcentralis anterior
83778 | 8668↓ | part |
posterior subcentral groove
sulcus subcentralis posterior
83769 | 6055 | part |
olfactory groove
sulcus olfactorius
83770 | 6053↓ | part |
orbital groove
sulcus orbitalis
8679↓ | part |
lateral orbital groove
sulcus orbitalis lateralis
83771 | 8680↓ | part |
transverse orbital groove
sulcus orbitalis transversus
8681↓ | part |
medial orbital groove
sulcus orbitalis medialis
83782 | 6044 | part |
paracentral groove
sulcus paracentralis
6051 | part |
paraolfactory groove
sulcus paraolfactorius
83744 | 8673 | part |
anterior paraolfactory groove
sulcus paraolfactorius anterior
83745 | 8674 | part |
posterior paraolfactory groove
sulcus paraolfactorius posterior
327489 | 12001 |
groove of parietal lobe
sulcus lobi parietalis
83772 | 6008↓ | part |
intraparietal groove of parietal lobe
sulcus intraparietalis lobi parietalis
8781↓ | part |
first intermediate groove ; anterior intermediate groove
sulcus intermedius primus ; sulcus intermedius anterior
8782↓ | part |
second intermediate groove ; posterior intermediate groove
sulcus intermedius secundus ; sulcus intermedius posterior
83774 | 6010 | part |
postcentral groove
sulcus postcentralis
9122↓ | part |
transverse parietal groove
sulcus parietalis transversus
327490 | 12002 |
groove of occipital lobe
sulcus lobi occipitalis
83788 | 6015 | part |
lunate groove
sulcus lunatus
83786 | 6016 | part |
transverse occipital groove
sulcus occipitalis transversus
83749 | 6061 | part |
calcarine groove
sulcus calcarinus
12000 |
groove of temporal lobe
sulcus lobi temporalis
83784 | 6028 | part |
inferior temporal groove
sulcus temporalis inferior
83783 | 6026 | part |
superior temporal groove
sulcus temporalis superior
83782 | 6025 | part |
transverse temporal groove
sulcus temporalis transversus
8711 | part |
anterior transverse temporal groove
sulcus temporalis transversus anterior
8712 | part |
intermediate transverse temporal groove
sulcus temporalis transversus intermedius
74518 | 6065 | part |
occipitotemporal groove ; lateral occipitotemporal groove
sulcus occipitotemporalis ; sulcus occipitotemporalis lateralis
8713 | part |
posterior transverse temporal groove
sulcus temporalis transversus posterior
11581 |
groove of islet
sulcus insulae
83779 | 6034 | part |
superior central groove of islet
sulcus centralis superior insulae
83753 | 6035 | part |
circular groove of islet ; periinsular groove
sulcus circularis insulae ; sulcus periinsularis
11574 |
groove of limbic lobe
sulcus lobi limbici
83728 | 6074 | part |
fimbriodentate groove
sulcus fimbriodentatus
83747 | 6072 | part |
hippocampal groove
sulcus hippocampalis
8756↓ | part |
intrarhinal groove
sulcus intrarhinalis
83746 | 6076 | part |
rhinal groove
sulcus rhinalis
8735↓ | part |
semianular groove
sulcus semianularis
12004 |
groove of diencephalon
sulcus diencephali
78466 | 5767 | part |
groove of habenula
sulcus habenulae ; sulcus habenularis
12003 |
groove of mesencephalon
sulcus mesencephali
83792 | 5574 | part |
oculomotor sulcus
sulcus nervi oculomotorii
11597 |
groove of rhombencephalon
sulcus rhombencephali
83793 | 5424 | part |
medullopontine sulcus
sulcus bulbopontinus
83794 | 5425 | part |
basilar groove
sulcus basilaris
75608 | 5278 | part |
posterolateral groove of caudal rhombencephalon ; dorsolateral groove of caudal rhombencephalon
sulcus posterolateralis rhombencephali caudalis ; sulcus dorsolateralis rhombencephali caudalis
83795 | 5286 | part |
posterior median groove of caudal rhombencephalon ; dorsal median groove of caudal rhombencephalon
sulcus medianus posterior rhombencephali caudalis ; sulcus medianus dorsalis rhombencephali caudalis
83796 | 5276 | part |
retroolivary groove of caudal rhombencephalon
sulcus retroolivaris rhombencephali caudalis
83797 | 5271 | part |
anterolateral groove of caudal rhombencephalon ; ventrolateral groove of caudal rhombencephalon
sulcus anterolateralis rhombencephali caudalis ; sulcus ventrolateralis rhombencephali caudalis
74582 | 5272 | part |
preolivary groove of caudal rhombencephalon
sulcus preolivaris rhombencephali caudalis
12005 |
groove of spinal cord
sulcus medullae spinalis
79877 | 5147 | part |
anterolateral groove of spinal cord ; ventrolateral groove of spinal cord
sulcus anterolateralis medullae spinalis ; sulcus ventrolateralis medullae spinalis
75609 | 5148 | part |
posterolateral groove of spinal cord ; dorsolateral groove of spinal cord
sulcus posterolateralis medullae spinalis ; sulcus dorsolateralis medullae spinalis
83798 | 5145 | part |
posterior median groove of spinal cord ; dorsal median groove of spinal cord
sulcus medianus posterior medullae spinalis ; sulcus medianus dorsalis medullae spinalis
83799 | 5149 | part |
posterior intermediate groove of spinal cord ; dorsal intermediate groove of spinal cord
sulcus intermedius posterior medullae spinalis ; sulcus intermedius dorsalis medullae spinalis
83769 | 2792 | part |
olfactory groove of nose
sulcus olfactorius nasi
75760 | 494 | part |
chiasmatic sulcus of sphenoid ; prechiasmatic sulcus
sulcus chiasmaticus ossis sphenoidalis
75761 | 530 | part |
sulcus of auditory tube
sulcus tubae auditivae ossis sphenoidalis ; sulcus tubae auditoriae
80 items
198 entities
Scientific notes |
Libelle of note
6008 |
In monkeys, the Intraparietal sulcus contains numerous intraparietal areas (AIP, LIP, MIP, PIP and VIP), area PEip and area V6A (Rizzolatti G, Luppino G, Matelli M 1998 The organization of the cortical motor system: New concepts. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol 106:283-296). In the human brain, at least AIP and VIP areas have been identified (Seitz RJ, Binkofski F 2003 Modular organization of parietal lobe functions as revealed by functional activation studies. Adv Neurol 93:281-292).
6053 |
Lateral to the Sulcus olfactorius, there are two longitudinally directed sulci, the Sulcus orbitalis medialis and the Sulcus orbitalis lateralis, which are joined together by the Sulcus orbitalis transversus to form the impression of an H or a K pattern (Duvernoy 1992; Petrides and Pandya 2012). The cingulate sulcus continues around the rostrum of the corpus callosum, where it is also known as the Sulcus rostralis superior. This sulcus may continue as the Sulcus rostralis inferior, which separates the straight gyrus from the medial surface of the frontal lobe.
8659 |
The Sulcus frontomarginalis (Frontomarginal sulcus of Wernicke) is an important landmark in the frontal polar region (Duvernoy HM 1992 Le cerveau humain. Springer, Paris; Tamraz JC, Comair YG 2006 Atlas of Regional Anatomy of the Brain Using MRI. Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York), and used as such in the DTI literature (Catani M, Thiebaut de Schotten M 2012 Atlas of Human Brain Connections. Oxford University Press, Oxford).
8667 |
See note # 8666
8668 |
See note # 8666
8679 |
See note # 6053
8680 |
See note # 6053
8681 |
See note # 6053
8735 |
See note # 6071
8756 |
The Sulcus intrarhinalis (Intrarhinal sulcus) is found between the Ambient gyrus and the Entorhinal cortex (see Duvernoy 1992; Insausti and Amaral 2012).
8780 |
See note # 5996
8781 |
The Sulcus intermedius primus (First intermediate sulcus of Jensen) may subdivide the Lobulus parietalis inferior into the Gyrus supramarginalis and the Gyrus angularis (Duvernoy 1992; Tamraz and Comair 2006). The Sulcus intermedius secundus (Second intermediate sulcus of Eberstaller) is found posterior to Jensen's sulcus.
8782 |
See note # 8781
9122 |
The Lobulus parietalis superior may be divided into an anterior and a posterior portion by the Sulcus parietalis transversus (Transverse parietal sulcus of Brissaud), originating on the medial side and extending to the lateral side of the hemisphere (see Tamraz and Comair 2006).
Signature |
Type of list | T4 |
List Unit Identifier | 13534 |
Number of children | 197 (validated) |
Number of units | 80 (validated) |
Signature | 13587 (validated since 1.11.2024) |
Date: 08.01.2025 |